(Beijing)010-8580 8820
VAT Registration/VAT Return
Who need to register for VAT
Importing goods to EU.Organizing or undertaking exhibitions or conferences.Purchasing goods from EU countries and selling them in these countries.Providing services to individuals (or companies) in EU countries.Leasing warehouses and distributing products sales in EU countries.Having remote sales facing to individual users (e.g : network sales).

If Chinese companies  have business activities in EU countries or provide services for clients from these countries and don't apply for VAT number and tax declaration in EU countries timely as required, once discovered by tax bureaux of related countries, these companies will be hugely fined.  We recommend that Chinese companies contact us to register VAT number of related countries before they launching their sales activities in EU countries or providing services to clients from these countries, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles and losses  It is unnecessary for Chinese companies to have physical office (or virtual office) to apply for the registration of local VAT number and run their normal business activities.